Over the nearly 25 years that we have been protecting and celebrating the Inlet, we have won several awards. We are always delighted when the work of our members is recognised and honoured.


In 1994 we received the Wellington Regional Environmental Agency Environmental Award.


In 1998 we won a Ministry for the Environment's Green Ribbon Award 'for outstanding leadership and commitment to environmental protection'. 


In 2004 our environmental efforts again received public recognition when we won in the Heritage and Environment category of the Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards.








In 2006, 'in recognition of outstanding effort in the World of Water Science and Technology Promotion' we were awarded a Certificate of Achievement by Partners Porirua, jointly with Plimmerton School.








Our most recent recognition came in September 2014, when we were the Porirua winner in the Heritage and Environment category of the Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards.





Last Updated: 04/09/2021 9:57pm