Pāuatahanui Inlet has been identified by Greater Wellington Regional Council as an outstanding landscape based on its characteristics and values. The Inlet is well recognised for its high ecological, aesthetic, recreational and cultural values. It is classified as a Site of Special Wildlife Interest by the Department of Conservation and recognised in the Regional Coastal Plan as an area of significant conservation value. Everything the Guardians of Pāuatahanui Inlet do is designed to promote and protect the ecological, recreational and cultural values of the Inlet and its catchment area.


The formal objectives of the organisation can be represented briefly as follows. 

The Guardians of Pāuatahanui Inlet:

  • supports the implementation of the Porirua Harbour Strategy and Action Plan by the management agencies

  • informs and educates the public about The Inlet, consults with the communities around The Inlet and provides opportunities for the public to share in celebrating and caring for The Inlet

  • prepares submissions on plans, proposals, and resource management applications affecting The Inlet and its catchment

  • promotes research and monitoring on the state of The Inlet and also undertakes some monitoring directly

Here's the longer version.

The objectives are:

  1. Consistently with its ecological values, to encourage, promote, protect, maintain and foster the natural, historic and cultural values of the Pāuatahanui Inlet.
  2. To promote recognition locally, regionally, nationally and internationally of the ecological values and standing of the Inlet.

  3. To educate all persons, corporations, organisations, governments and their agencies in the values set out in Rule 3 (a) & (b).

  4. To represent all members of the Society and the views and interests of the citizens of the region in matters affecting the Inlet.

  5. To publish such materials, cause appearances and representations to be made in any forum or circumstance and to hold such conferences, forums and huis as required for the promotion of any of the Society's objectives. 

  6. To carry out research, surveys, and investigations of all kinds which may be considered in any way of benefit or use to the Society or its members in furthering the objects of the society hereinbefore set out.

  7. To work with or support any other person or group, whether incorporated or not, with similar objects, for the benefit of the Pāuatahanui Inlet (or any other part of New Zealand when matters of practice or law or statute are viewed by the Management Committee as a precedent affecting the Inlet).

  8. To consult with the communities around the Inlet and to provide opportunities for the public to share in celebrating and caring for the Inlet.

  9. Generally to do all such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them or any part of any of them.






(Image top: Marian Kerr; image bottom: Marie Love)


Like to read the full Official Rules?



Prior to December 2015 the Pāuatahanui Inlet Community Trust (PICT) shared its concerns for The Inlet with GOPI. However, PICT has now ceased as a separate entity. 

PICT was a charitable trust, set up in May 2002 with up to 14 appointed members from a wide balance of interests. PICT's aim was to promote and help implement the Porirua Harbour Strategy and Action Plan ('Harbour Strategy'), which was prepared to better manage The Inlet in all areas (e.g. harbour activities, catchment and roading). With this strategy now well established the functions provided by PICT are no longer needed.

GOPI is a community group providing, among our other activities, information and hands-on care of the Inlet. Some members of PICT have now joined forces with GOPI to enhance the strength of the committee and therefore increase the influence that GOPI has towards care of The Inlet. 

GOPI is represented on the Porirua Harbour and Catchment Community Trust (PHT), which oversees the implementation of the Harbour Strategy.




Last Updated: 04/09/2021 9:57pm