Plimmerton School field studyWelcome to our education section, where we offer specially prepared resources to help young people learn about the Pāuatahanui Inlet. Teachers will find curriculum-related materials and activities to be done on Inlet visits. Families may also enjoy some of these activities. 

The Pāuatahanui Inlet is a much used educational resource. Primary school groups can often be seen out on field trips with their teachers, gaining an understanding of tidal activity, life on the shore and Inlet ecology.

It is also used by secondary students in a range of subjects. Its many moods are captured by art and photography groups, its history and personalities provide rich content for talks within the English syllabus, and of course its scientific importance forms the basis of many studies and presentations.

The Inlet also finds a place in community education, particularly in classes for new New Zealanders. Its fish, its birds, and its recreational uses all form the basis of useful and inspiring language activities. The importance of conservation is often a new discovery for recently arrived residents. Field visits by such groups are encouraged, and GOPI is happy to be present to explain the significance of the Inlet.

The Inlet is also a recognised research tool. Several studies on its flora and fauna and on its ecology have been carried out and gained international recognition.


Teaching Resources Available

Several years ago we published a schools resource kit, Pāuatahanui Inlet - a living resource. We are working with local teachers and community education tutors to update the kit and extend it to provide resources for both schools and community groups. Some of our worksheets and units of study are already complete, and available on this website. You can choose any of the following.


Let's visit the Inlet, a set of 11 activity worksheets for class visits to the Inlet. Activities range from bird observations to a scavenger hunt, so you're sure to find something to suit. There's also a teacher guide and preparation materials.



We have five worksheets in the Animals of the Inlet series, plus one in Plants and one in People of the Inlet.

Animals of the Inlet 1 - Tunnelling mud crabs

Animals of the Inlet 2a - Pukeko

Animals of the Inlet 2b - Pita Pukeko (for juniors)

Animals of the Inlet 3 - Cockles

Animals of the Inlet 4 - Inanga (whitebait) - an endangered species

Plants of the Inlet - Saltmarsh plants

People of the Inlet 1 - Te Rangihaeata



There are two resources that we have written to accompany the Living Waters documentaries produced by film makers Cheryl Cameron and Matty Warmington. These documentaries were commissioned by the previous Pāuatahanui Inlet Community Trust (PICT) and provide an excellent up-to-date look at the Inlet.

Each resource provides a standalone unit of study for schools, and we also hope that families will be interested in using them for interest and home learning.

The two units available are: Recreation and Shags and can be found at:

Living Waters Resources





We still have copies of Pāuatahanui Inlet - a living resource. Please contact us if you would like a copy.



NOTE: We can also help to organize a visit for your students. 


Last Updated: 04/09/2021 9:57pm