The Guardians of Pāuatahanui Inlet are a charitable organisation. We rely on subscriptions and donations to support our activities. We are always very happy to receive bequests.


If you would like to leave us a bequest, you could use the following wording in your will:

Charitable legacy

'I give $ [you insert the amount] to Guardians of Pāuatahanui Inlet Incorporated for its general purposes. I direct that an acknowledgement of the gift signed by an officer of the Society shall be a full discharge to my trustees who shall not be bound to oversee the application of my gift.'

Residuary gift

'I direct my trustees to transfer the residue of my estate to Guardians of Pāuatahanui Inlet Incorporated for its general purposes. I direct that an acknowledgement of the gift signed by an officer of the Society shall be a full discharge to my trustees who shall not be bound to oversee the application of my gift.'



Regardless of whether you are framing your bequest as a legacy or a residual gift, we recommend that you consider adding the following clause. This clause will protect your charitable intentions and ensure that your gift continues to be used for the benefit of the environment. 


'I further declare that if, at my death, any charity named in my will does not exist or has amalgamated with another charity or has changed its name, any legacy or residuary gift for the named charity shall not fail and my trustees shall pay any such legacy or residuary gift to the charitable organisation that they consider most nearly fulfils the objects of the named charity. All decisions of my trustees in this regard shall be final and binding on all persons and entities affected by the decisions.'



Thank you for thinking of the Guardians of Pāuatahanui Inlet.


Last Updated: 04/09/2021 9:57pm