What do we do?

In keeping with our aims, we advise central and local government, make submissions on plans and proposed legislation, and develop policies to support our concern for the Inlet and its catchment.

We keep the Inlet in the public eye through press releases, media statements and our very popular annual photo competition. Members and local residents are encouraged to keep a 'watching brief' on the Inlet and report damage and suspicious activities.

We create educational resources for teachers to use in the classroom and on visits to the Inlet.

We also provide opportunities throughout the year for local residents to take part in hands-on activities.


Hands-on activities


Annual Clean-up

The annual clean-up is a popular activity, suitable for all ages and very well supported by young and old. Families particularly enjoy the satisfaction of working together to clean up an allocated patch of the shore. No matter what the weather (and there certainly have been some spectacular weather events on past clean-up days), several dozen people turn out every year to do their bit to keep the Inlet clean.




Cockle Survey

Another popular activity is the three-yearly cockle survey, when we measure the cockle population to assess overall numbers. In this way, members and residents can contribute to our understanding of Inlet health. Our next cockle survey will be in 2016. 







After most member activities, there's a welcome BBQ to reward hungry volunteers.



Guided Walks

In March 2015 we ran our first guided walk along part of Te Ara Piko. John Wells and Denis Fairfax gave very informative commentaries about the ecology and the history of the Inlet. We hope that this addition to our activities will become a regular event.




Last Updated: 04/09/2021 9:57pm