LTP item
GOPI response
p 32: 1.7 Long Term Financial Strategy. Budget Priorities diagram
We request that City Planning - Harbour and Catchments be elevated to "critical" (from "important"). See also 4.1.3, pp 85 - 87
p 43: 1.7 Stormwater Expenditure
We support the stormwater upgrade programme and related $4.2M expenditure (see also 4.2.1 below).
p 54: 2.2 Community Outcomes
We endorse the importance of a valued natural environment to all community outcomes and the place of a healthy harbour system in this.
p 56 2.3 Strategic Priorities
We strongly support and endorse "A Healthy and Protected Harbour" as one of the City's four priority areas.
p 57 2.3 Strategic Priority Measures (also repeated in 4.1.3 Harbour and Catchments Section, p 86)
- We support Healthy Harbour Targets (50% reduction in sediment inputs by 2022; reductions in faecal bacteria and toxicants and sediments for high use recreational areas; maintain/reduce zinc concentrations at/below low sediment quality guidelines; have saltmarsh cover in suitable areas of the Inlet; significant extension of sea grass beds; improved kaimoana quality from a public health measure);
- We wonder why there is no 4-10 year target for "(i) Whole of catchment and estuary revegetation". Targets are given only for saltmarsh and seagrass. Is terrestrial catchment revegetation included in PCC responsibilities ?
p 60: Strategic Priorities Alignment
We recommend that a HEALTHY HARBOUR should have secondary connections in the diagram to Water supply and Transport, as the management of each of these has effects on the harbour
p 76: 4.1 Strategy and Planning, managing negative effects
- We endorse the importance of implementing the Harbour Strategy and the provision of "sufficient funding" (see 4.1.3 below) to do this.
- We see a particular need for an urgent completion of the review of the Rural part of the District Plan to avoid "environmental risks ... [from] ... inadequate policy".
- We believe that the objectives of the Harbour Strategy could well be compromised if some provisions of the current Rural section of the District Plan are not amended.
p 82 4.1.2 Environment & City Planning
See comments above under section 4.1.
pp 85-87 4.1.3 Harbour and Catchments (See also 2.3 Strategic Priority Measures, p 57)
- We strongly endorse and support the budget proposal to spend $2.620M over ten years on harbour and catchment issues (p 87);
- We endorse the importance of the Porirua Harbour and catchments as an integral part of the City's sustainable approach (p 85);
- We recommend that, given its pivotal place in the identity of the City and region, the Harbour and catchments be placed in the "critical" category (see also 1.7, p 32);
- We endorsethe proposed performance measures (see also 2.3, p 57);
- We request that a measure to monitor water quality at key discharge points be added;
- We request that GOPI be involved in processes through which the $2.620M expenditure will be committed.
p 103: 4.2.1 Stormwater Management
- We support and endorse 100% budget increase for stormwater pipeline renewals; and endorse the proposed performance measures, especially the reduction in number of maintenance requests (p 104);
- We support introduction of a new bylaw to control pollutants at source;
- We request that a measure to monitor water quality at key discharge points be introduced.
p 108: 4.3.1 Waste water management
We endorse the importance of this as a critical activity
p 110: Major projects for waste water
We strongly support and endorse Pāuatahanui sewer reticulation; and we support the other projects identified.
p 121: 4.5 Transport
Negative effects
We strongly support "strong contractual and resource consent conditions" to ensure adverse effects are kept to a minimum. We request some measures of critical adverse effects be included in performance measurement, p 125
p 158: 4.7.5 City Landscape
- We strongly oppose removal of 250 litter bins in parks and reserves without some assessments of the effects of the likely increase of loose rubbish on landscape values and impact on the Harbour;
- We support on-going work on Pāuatahanui Pathway and walkways/cycleways (p 159)
p 176: Environmental Standards
We endorse the 100% target for responses to exceedances of recreational water quality guidelines and request a measure for monitoring critical stormwater outlets be included; support maintenance of response time levels for water contamination etc