There are many groups, organisations and individuals offering information relevant to the Pāuatahanui Inlet. On this page we're trying to help you find some of that information. 



SUSTAINABLE COASTLINES: This is a New Zealand charity with a small permanent staff and a large network of volunteers keen to look after our coastlines and waterways. Together they coordinate clean-ups, educational programs and other projects with the support of community groups around the country.

Click on this link to learn more and offer your input.



OUR ESTUARIES: The Department of Conservation has a national webpage with information covering estuaries in New Zealand. This resource explores various aspects of the monitoring and restoration of estuaries around our country including, of course, Pāuatahanui Inlet. The restoration section includes links to the Forest and Bird's work in the Wildlife Reserve and there are also references to GOPI in the other sections of the page.

This site has been updated recently (Nov 2018) to include additional sections on:

Revegetating Estuaries: This has a link to a map showing a wealth of information around the country on current restoration groups (red markers), plant inventories (yellow) and restoration guides (purple). Clicking on the markers will give some information and links to related websites. The map can be found HERE.

Seagrass and mangrove extent: an interactive map showing the current and historical extent of seagrass and mangroves in New Zealand. For the Pāuatahanui Inlet the key interest will be the seagrass sightings.

Featured Estuary Projects: A page with links to a number of information resources for anyone interested in projects associated with restoration.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: From the PORIRUA HARBOUR TRUST is a set of Frequently Asked Questions about Porirua Harbour. Very informative.



BIODIVERSITY: We also draw to your attention a page on the Greater Wellington website celebrating biodiversity. The page Where the wild things are lists 50 easy-to-reach places that feature a diverse range of plants and wildlife. The sites include forests, mountains, rivers or coastal and marine life. The page is intended to guide people of all ages and levels of fitness to find interesting ecological areas to explore.


NIWA: publishes much useful information under their EDUCATION section. Although the material is targeted at students, it is of interest to all.

Take a look at






Other links of interest



Last Updated: 04/09/2021 9:57pm