Our Activities » Photographic Competition
The photographic competition for 2023 is CLOSED.
Judging: Geoff Marshall. We will advise the winners by email and request digital copies of the winning and highly commended images.
Prize giving: Helen Smith Room, Pataka. Sunday 11 June 2023 @ 2pm
Exhibitions: The winning images will be on display for approximately two weeks each at the following locations: Library: 11 - 26 June Palmers Garden World: 26 June - 10 July Lighthouse Cinema: 10 - 24 July
YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKSHOP Successfully held as planned. Thanks to Keith Harrison and Destina Munro for their wonderful work in both classroom and field. Thanks to the Wildlife Reserve Management for use of the Stout Cottage and F&B Reserve.
Thanks to all the participants. Your presence is what made this event so successful. We encourage all participants to enter at least one of their photos into the competition, whether by dedicated camera or cellphone.
The images shown here are a small selection from the last competition held in 2021.
As always we are very grateful to our sponsors without whom this annual competition would not be successful. The prizes contributed by the various businesses in the Porirua area are be a good draw card helping to stimulate our local photographers to put in the time to create many stunning images of the Inlet and it's environs.
Previous year's images can be viewed on Google Photos.